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How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default



1. Cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

To cancel opening files in WPS Office by default, perform the following steps:

1. Open WPS Office, and click Settings in the upper-right corner of the home page.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

2. Go to the Settings page on the client, and choose Component Management > File Format Association.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

3. In the WPS Office Configuration Tools dialog box, clear the Compatible with third-party software option.

4. Clear the options of various file formatsthat are automatically opened by WPS Office.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

2. Enable opening files in WPS Office by default

To enable opening files in WPS Office by default, perform the following steps:

1. Open WPS Office, and click Settings in the upper-right corner of the home page.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

2. Go to the Settings page on the client, and choose Component Management > File Format Association.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

3. In the WPS Office Configuration Tools dialog box, select the Compatible with third-party software option.

4. Select the options of various file formats that will be opened by WPS Office based on your business requirements.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

5. After confirming the settings, you may need to restart your computer for the settings to take effect.

How to enable/cancel opening files in WPS Office by default

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