How to use Thesaurus in WPS Spreadsheets
How to use Thesaurus in WPS Spreadsheets
The Thesaurus function suggests other words with a similar meaning to the word you have selected. To use this function, follow the steps as below:
1. Select the word that you want to find a synonym.
2. Click the Thesaurus option in the Review tab, or press < Shift+F7 > to open the Thesaurus dialogue box, shown as below:

3. WPS Writer recently has added many of languages, such as English, French, German, Spanish, and Russia. Select one of those languages in the Language drop-down list.
4. You will get a range of words that have similar meaning with the one you have selected and choose a word you need.
5. Click the Replace button to complete the operation. If you want to stop this operation, just click the Cancel button.
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